Girl Scout Law
I will do my best to be
honest and fair,
friendly and helpful,
considerate and caring,
courageous and strong, and
responsible for what I say and do,
and to
respect myself and others,
respect authority,
use resources wisely,
make the world a better place, and
be a sister to every Girl Scout.
Brownie Troop #918
Welcome to the Brownie Troop #918 web site. This is a new experience for me, so I welcome any suggestions for our newly constructed site! This site will be updately at least after every meeting, so check it frequently! I encourage you to surf the internet with your kids to know exactly what they are looking at.... there are sooo many "adult" links that can be accessed accidentally, so you can never be too careful! I have included some links that your daughter may enjoy, so please check them out, and have fun!!
It's Girl Scout Cookie Time Again!!! This is our biggest fundraiser during the year, and it's important for all of the girls to participate. We are planning to take a trip to Pittsburgh in the spring, to go for a ride on the Gateway Clipper, and then to the Pittsburgh Zoo. With so many girls in our troop, it is important that we raise enough money for everyone to be able to attend without paying extra for anything. Please let me know if you need any additional order forms, or if you have any other questions about the Cookie Sale.
Please read through this website carefully, especially the Newsletter page. which contains important information about upcoming news and events that usually need a permission slip or something else by a deadline. If you have any questions or comments about anything, pertaining to our troop, this site, or anything else, please contact me at 266-2421 (home), 659-7437 (cell), or email me at
Please remember to sign the guestbook below!